Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 90 Done

I actually completed 90 days of working out witj p90X and INSANITY,  and changing my habits! I am down 30 lbs! Hooray?

Monday, January 19, 2015


I was super tired today! I could hardly do Cardio X, but I endured! Day 15 is tomorrow. I am halfway there to my first 30 day milestone! Hooray!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Much Better!

Kenpo X was a lot easier this time around! I was able to keep up with Tony and the peeps for the most part! Get your DNA removal/ workout in today! You need it! O:-)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Insanity and P90X HYBRID

I was so not ready for the blended Insanity and P90X routine! Insanity PLYO hurt! I could hardly do the moves but the sweat came down! I am hooked!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jello Anyone?

Today makes day 10 of an improved diet and P90X. Arms and an ripper X left me feeling like Jello today! I am doing more moves everyday, and trusting my body to get me through this process! Super excited!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Year:New Me

I finished the first full week of P90X, the lean version. I feel great! I can honestly say I gave it my all, no halfway stuff. I am going to work on really improving my diet and I am also pairing supplements with my workouts. I am trying hard to cut back on the coffee, I will be saying no to candy, white bread, and cakes, and reach for more protein and veggies instead.
More to come!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

And We Begin Here

 I am done fearing the scale. Yes... I think this is a good place to begin. I am done hiding rolls, creases, and praying that my zippers won't betray me by the day's end. I'm done being unhappy and unhealthy. This is more than vanity. That's it. This is my declaration of health and independence
This is my new beginning to reach a stronger, healthier me than I have ever known. 

I've decided to chronicle it all right here. Every pound, every inch, every step I take will be chronicled right here . Who knows, there may be someone out there who stops by and joins me on this fitness journey. I think that's a great way to wrap my head around all this. I'm revamping my lifestyle, and I'm excited. Welcome. 

More to Come....

fisher gets it off